Loop with intermediate times:
Individual Pack (Biking)
Individual Pack (Biking)
Biking pack for individual training
This pack includes :
• 1 FxChip BLE
• 2 Tx Track Pro
• 1 Small Satchel Bag
Freelap Individual Pack is the pack specially made for the rider who trains alone.
Standard run:
✓ Time a section (Start to Finish)
✓ Total time
✓ Best / slowest time
✓ Time gaps
✓ Live results on MyFreelap app
✓ Time in loop
✓ Total time
+ 2 intermediate times
✓ Cumulative times
✓ Best / slowest time
✓ Time gaps
✓ Live results on MyFreelap app
Loop racing configuration:
✓ Time in loop
✓ Total time
✓ Cumulative times
✓ Best / slowest time
✓ Time gaps
✓ Live results on MyFreelap app
Need more options?
• To get (more) intermediate times: add Tx Track Pro transmitters (code LAP)
• To time more riders simultaneously: add more FxChip BLE + FxMTB
• To display your times on large screen: add a LED Display screen
More information HERE!